Friday 5 February 2010

As beautiful as this place is, there are problems and I've decided not to stick around for much longer. I've promised I'll stay until Tuesday to help pot on all of the plants I've created by splitting all the mother plants. Louisa went and got 4 trailer loads of potting compost yesterday ready for the work at the start of next week, as I've got the weekend off. I've not seen or been anywhere since I arrived, so am feeling a bit frustrated. There was an offer of a trip into town yesterday but it came whilst I was in the middle of working and I was filthy from head to toe, so would have had to rush like a madman to get clean and ready which I hate, it was only a trip into Keri Keri so I probably would have only been trailing around with Louisa. Today is Waitangi day, which celebrates the signing of the famous treaty, between Maoris and the English., not sure if there are going to be any festivities, will have to wait and see.
Over the period of a week staying here, things start to focus, the main problem I'm finding is with Tiger the eldest son, he is constantly whining and having temper tantrums, screaming and shouting at his mum or brother and sister, using foul language. He throws things around and I find if I'm trying to talk to Louisa within a couple of minutes he'll get up to something that is mean't to distract her and get her attention. Basically he's a nasty little shit, with a real attitude problem. It turns out everythings not so rosy between Louisa and Grant either. He left Monday morning to go back to his place in Whangarei, 90 mins south of here, which is where his 2 boys go to school. Yesterday afternoon Louisa was getting all excited because he was coming back up to spend the weekend. Louisa was creating a lovely meal for us all, I was just mooching around reading and messing around on the computer. I sensed a change of atmosphere at one stage and at about 8 oclock, when Grant still hadn't shown up and I was starving hungry, I had a chat with Louisa. Grant was late because he was helping a female neighbour of his move house which he hadn't told Louisa about because she knew of some history they had had. Louisa was fuming and spent the next 30 minutes telling me, how she had been let down by every man she had known. She told me how Charlie-Rose's dad had used her to get property from her in the divorce settlement, and how when only 6 weeks after moving in together he had used her as a guarantor on a loan for a truck he wanted to buy, which she refused to be, he flew into a rage and head-butted her and locked her in a room! Surfice to say the atmosphere wasn't great and she decided she needed to go for a walk and clear her head, meanwhile I was dying of hunger!!!!
So alls not perfect here and I've decided to leave although my next move isn't certain, I was going to go to a water-side, camp site, where they had offered to host me, but after re-reading their blurb and the emails we had exchanged, what they offer is very much biased in their favour, reading between the lines it sounds like they want landscaping work doing and in this heat would be terrible work and they don't even offer full board, only breakfast provisions because I'd be staying in a caravan or cabin and an occasional evening meal. I have another offer which sounds good but she doesn't need any help until the week after next. Might check in to a backpacker for a few nights, have to wait and see. TTFN

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