Sunday 15 March 2009


It was a glorious Sunday morning yesterday I so I thought I’d go and do a walk I did when I was here 12 years ago, The Manly scenic walk. It’s about 8 km in distance, but me being me had to make it that little bit harder. I got the bus to what I thought was the start point-Spit junction, but when I arrived I realised I wasn’t in the right spot. So set off confidently in the direction I thought it was, I was wrong and ended up at Balmoral beach, I beautiful spot I hadn’t been to before. I sheltered harbour beach, it was full of family groups having picnics and thoroughly enjoying their Sunday in the sun. I decided to keep on walking though as I thought I couldn’t be far from where I should have been, about an hour later of uphill slog through some absolutely prime real estate, I ended up on the spit bridge, my originally intended start point. It took just over another 2 hours to get to Manly, the famous ocean beach resort. The walk is great and follows the small coves and inlets. The houses along the way are fantastic and the numerous little beaches-all public, are superb. I arrived absolutely shattered with my ankle puffed up again, had a bite to eat a couple of cups of rejuvenating coffee and a very large beer and caught the ferry back to circular quay. I even decided to walk home from there, another 30 min! I’m a glutton for punishment.

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